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II–V 10 am. – 6.00 pm. / VI–VII 11.00 am. – 5.00 pm.
Ticket – 5 €, with discount 2,50 € / Guided tour – 20 €, no discounts are available € / Visit of the roof terrace 1 €, with discount 0,50 €
Vilniaus str. 140, LT-76296, Šiauliai
Bike rental station is available on the museum’s opening hours
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Permanent exhibition of history of photography called Freedom for photography art (Lith. „Laisvę fotografijai“)
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Archive of past exhibitions
Ongoing and past travelling exhibitions
Museum’s exhibits in virtual exhibitions
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The collection of Artistic photography contains almost 10,000 works by photographers of Lithuania, the diaspora, and foreign artists, created in the second half of the 20th century. A fund of contemporary photography is also collected. Approximately 8,000 works by more than a hundred photographers reflect the development of Lithuanian photography under the Soviet occupation and during the first decades of the restored Independence of Lithuania. Among these are the works of the greatest artists of the so-called Lithuanian school of photography, established in the 1960s and renowned world-wide. These artists include Antanas Sutkus, Vitas Luckus, Aleksandras Macijauskas, Romualdas Rakauskas, Algimantas Kunčius, and others. The photography of the diaspora is represented by the works of Kazys Daugėla, Algirdas Grigaitis, and Algimantas Kezys. Povilas Karpavičius’s, who was a pioneer of applied photography in Lithuania, an inventor of various photographic techniques, and an enthusiast of photo art and photographic equipment, collection of photographs shows the capabilities of photographic techniques of the time.